-The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian-
-Paragraph Writing-
At the start of the novel, Rowdy and Junior have a healthy friendship. Hanging out, playing sports together and just doing things that best friends do. From when they were young kids, Rowdy and Junior were friends from the start. They both grew up on the reservation. There is one thing that keeps their friendship together. Anyone that picks on Junior, has to deal with Rowdy. But throughout the novel, not everything is sunshine and rainbows for their friendship.
When Junior moves to Reardon High, his friendship with Rowdy changes a lot. After Arnold moves to Reardon High School, Rowdy stops talking to him, doesn’t even look at him and the only communication he does with Arnold is over email, and Rowdy still verbally abuses, calling Arnold names and all sorts of things. Another example of their friendship going down s**t’s creek is at Arnold’s first basketball game. Arnold’s first game as at his previous school, Welcanour High, and at this part in the novel, Rowdy and Arnold face off for the first time. Arnold gets a few stitches and a concussion, while he teams loses the basketball game. This game is important because it shows Junior that Rowdy is still angry and doesn’t want to show his emotions.
So after that game, Arnold’s grandmother and his Dad’s friend pass away, and later on his sister, Mary, dies from a house fire while she was having a party. At this part of the novel, Arnold is going through some hard things and is quite sad and depressed. They play more games of basketball and managed to have a streak of 12-1 (12 wins, 1 loss) and come across the Welcanour Redskins for the final game. Welcanour had a streak of 13-0 and was wanting to win this game. But Arnold’s team thrashed them and at this moment, Rowdy finally realises that his and Arnold’s friendship was starting to clear up. At Mary’s funeral, Arnold spotted Rowdy in the trees right next where she was being buried. After a few chapters, Rowdy and Arnold are now friends again, and that’s the happy ending that all stories/movies have.
I think that the most important thing that happens throughout the novel is the ups and downs of the friendship between Rowdy and Arnold. At the start, great friends and Rowdy stood up for Arnold. Throughout the book, the friendship breaks and goes down the drain. Nearing the end, it starts to mend, at for the final five chapters, Rowdy and Arnold have the healthy friendship they had from day one.