Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sewell Peak Challenge: Reflection

The drive to Sewell Peak was exciting. Mr Louie was alright on the road, but when it came to the off road, it looked he wanted to speed up. We even managed to get into a ditch for a bit. We went through a driveway that had really nice houses on the sides of the dirt road. We passed a farm house with a digger next to it. Then the off-road really started to happen. We were going well until we nearly got stuck in a ditch trying to avoid a pothole. I had to grab the 'Jesus Christ handle' a few times with his driving. When we got to the parking, I literally jumped out of the car because I had to get out of the van. It was way to hot and stuffy. The Sewell Peak challenge helped me overcome the height. I looked down and it just amazed me, but it was quite far down and I just lost my breath. It was crazy. I took lots of pictures and the best part of the trip up there was the food that Tony Kokshoorn brought up, especially the ice-cream. The way back down was easier and faster, but hurt my legs more than it did on the way up. We finally made it back to school for the buses.

I think that NCEA will be hard throughout the whole year, but as soon as the last few days are on us, then it will so great. The Sewell Peak challenge challenged most people, some might of struggled with the hike, others with height, whatever it was, everyone overcomed something. NCEA will be an awesome experience for me and I hope I make it through next year.


  1. Very good Jon I felt like was doing it as a reader Oh wait I did do it. Very nice Sewell peak writing But i am pretty sure you have to put ncea in somewhere.

    1. Thanks man and yeah I kinda forgot about adding the NCEA thing :)

  2. Good work jon i liked how you described the walk good punctuation

  3. Hi Jon
    Fantastic writing to bring alive the van experience - this really made me smile. The idea of looking forward to the satisfaction of passing NCEA, just like making it to the top of Sewell Peak is really good. I have enjoyed teaching you this year and I look forward to seeing you succeed in NCEA English. Ngā mihi, Ms Quick
